About Me


Soo.. My name is Nailah.. most people call me Nai (pronounced Nye… like Bill Nye). Welcome to my humble abode. My goal with this blog is to help even in the slightest way possible. Over the years I’ve experienced quite a few trials and tribulations and I think sharing my experiences with you all would be beneficial to the both of us.

What really made me want to make this blog was the month of May 2020, which is mental health awareness month. I posted a few informational things and briefly shared my experience with each topic I posted. Although I didn’t get the tens of likes I would normally get on a selfie, I got a different response that made me feel good. Many people saved my posts and I even got DM’s saying how relatable my experiences were and how good it felt to know someone else has been through the same thing. I think one of the things every human can agree on is it feels good to know you’re not alone when it comes to emotions.

In addition to the mental health angle, I’ve always wanted to share my tips and experience with my PCOS journey, my weight management, and simply being a woman that doesn’t necessarily fit the typical mold seen on television or on social media. I am a curly-haired, mixed, black woman, of Caribbean descent… born in Queens, New York and raised in South Florida. I think feeling beautiful, just like feeling happy, is a choice. It was a choice I had to make years ago after spending years comparing myself to an unattainable ideal.

As you can probably tell by now, this is not some uppity blog where I only speak about expensive makeup and fancy clothes in order to feel good. I would and never will suggest anything I’ve never used before, nor will I fabricate anything for clout or likes. I write the way I speak and I want to be as genuine as possible.

Genuine to the Nth Degree… if you will. ( Tell me that wasn’t smooth…. don’t lie it was)

I have an Instagram page for the blog and also a personal page if you’d like to follow.



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